
Friday, July 18, 2014

Rejected to a New Beginning

I'm a student struggling to find what I picture to be the perfect job. I'm not asking to be the CEO of Google. I'm not even asking to make $30 per hour. All I want is a job that will help pay the bills. My credit card is just about to reach its limit and so am I. Now let's not go thinking that I've been a bum for the past five months. I've been working odd jobs. Jobs that pay good but just don't seem to last. It's not me it's them. I promise. Twenty-applications and one interview equal no job offer, and the loveliest, rejection email. Ending with "we will definitely keep you in mind for future positions." Will you? Then why does it feel like I just got dump by my boyfriend with the ever so popular line, "it's not you, it's me." You know what it is you. I am an AWESOME, hardworking individual who will find a job. And it will be the greatest job, because they will like me and hire me. At least that's what I hope for.

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